Lacy Productions Presents...

CABARET DES ARTS: A Fusion of Visual Arts & Burlesque

Friday, October 4th at the West End Ballroom/ Theater in Portland (Located in the gorgeously restored 1920's landmark and former Portland Women’s Club, movie house, and playhouse! Cabaret des Arts raises up sex/body positivity, feminism, and inclusivity through the visual arts and burlesque! Join us as we merge these genres together and experience an empowering, entertaining, and exclusive evening of artistic sensuality.

Begin your evening perusing our Artist Exhibition (showcasing PNW local artists working in a variety of mediums) while sipping cocktails and sampling food available to purchase in our speakeasy-style soiree downstairs (provided by the West End Ballroom). Afterwards, head upstairs into The West End Ballroom Theater for our Cabaret des Arts show and experience burlesque inspired by both classic and contemporary works of art.

Doors open at 6:00pm.

Art Exhibition/ Cocktail Hour: 6:00pm-7: 0pm

Burlesque show: 7:00pm-9:00pm


$35 Advance VIP table seat at stage side

(with one private waiter per table for ordered food/drink service-

six seats per table)

$40 VIP table seat at the door (if still available)

$30 Advance Second Row Seat (directly behind VIP tables)

$35 at the door (if still available)

Follow the link for tickets